Western District Net Preamble
Calling the Western District Net. Calling the Western District Net. This is (Your Call) Your Net Control for this Session of the Western District Net. Good Evening, My Name is (Your Name) and I am Located in (Your Town). Is there any Emergency or Priority Traffic on Frequency ? If so, Call (Your Call) Now.
The Western District Net is a Directed Net. Please Do Not Transmit Without the Direction of Net Control. If You Must Leave the Net, Please Inform Me Before Leaving. All Stations Are Welcome and Encouraged to Check in regardless of Your Traffic Handling Experience. The Western District Net is a Local Net and Meets Daily at 9:30 PM. For the Purpose of Handling Formal Written Traffic and Training in Traffic Handling. The Western District Net is Part of the National Traffic System and Handles Traffic Into, Out of and Through Out Western New York State. Comments Concerning Net Operations May Be Directed to the Net Manager: Gary KB2YAA in Springville. Or Assistant Net Manager Tim KD2IWN in Hamburg.
When Checking into the Net, Please Give My Call, Let Up on Your Microphone to Insure That You Are Not Doubling, Like This (Unkey and Key After the Beep) Followed by Your Call, Location and the Word "Traffic" If You Have Any; Please List Your Traffic At That Time.
Mobile and Mobiles ONLY on Frequency Wishing to Join WDN Call (Your Call).
Assigned and Unassigned Liaisons to and From Section Nets Call (Your Call).
Other Liaisons Including MARS, ARES and Other Nets Call (Your Call).
Stations With Traffic and Traffic Only Call (Your Call).
A General Call Up. Stations With or Without Traffic Call (Your Call).
Handle Any and All Net Business (i.e. - Traffic, Additional Check-ins, Words, etc.) Please Do Not Ask For Stations With Words !
With No Further Net Business I'll Close This Session. Thank You All For Joining Us. A Special Thanks to Our Liaison Stations, Members Who Brought and Received Traffic, and the Net Members in General for Your Participation. The Next Net Meets Again at 21:30 (9:30 pm) Tomorrow Night. This is (Your Call) Closing This Session of the Western District Net and Returning the K2XZ Repeater Back to Other Amateur Uses. 73 to All, (Your Call) is Now Clear.
Please Note the changes and include them when you NCS a net.
Note: The net frequency is 145.390 with an alternate of 146.640.
Note: The other repeaters you can send people off to for passing traffic are 147.315, 146.910 and 146.640 when not in use.
Note: When you are checking in mobiles Please do not include "Portables" in that part of the call-up. Portables are a base station that has been moved to a different location, or a hand held or handy talky. Either way they are not navigating traffic and are in no danger of an accident. Further more, mobiles do not have to check out where a portable does. As an NCS you can also remind stations who check in as "Portable" that they should check in with the general call up.
Note: If you are new or if you have been with the net for awhile and would like to try to NCS A net. Let Dave or Gary know and we can set something up. I will be there to guide you through the net.